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ABC Chiefs Member Benefits

This could be a long winded explanation of what membership is, and what it means to be a member. Something like, Being a member would change not only your life but the life of a firefighter so on and so forth.

Agency Representation

Your membership Ensures that the Association can continue to represent all types of fire agencies, city, county, district, state and private – be it volunteer, paid/volunteer or a fully paid agency.

Strength in Numbers

ABC Chiefs will remain an organization of influence if it is strong in membership and strong in a unified voice for ABC fire and medical services.


Special Event Opportunities

Members receive a member only rate for attendance at the Annual Conference and special events throughout the year.

Job Announcements

Member receive Job announcements and classifieds postings on ABC Chiefs website.


Member Alerts (eBlasts) regarding significant Fire & EMS happenings and requests for information.

Members-Only Discounts

Members  can access Fire Service Bookstore and Fire-Rescue Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) members-only discounts.

Participation in the Legislative Process

  1. Opportunity to participate in various boards, committees and commissions.
    1. Leads to further involvement in the organization.
      1. Help make decisions that help the firefighters.
  2. Representation on legislative matters and access to Legislative Committee on bills.
    1. You get to share your view with the legislators that make bills.
    2. Help the committee draft supporting bills.
      1. Talk to your representative on the committee.
  3. They present the bills.
  4. The legislators vote on the bills.
    1. Talk to your representative.
    2. Talk with others to present your movement.
  5. You’ve participated in the Legislative Process.

Protect Your Firefighters!

  • Support for the Federal Anti-Trust Lawsuit.
    • Preserve pre-hospital EMS services.
      • The troops need these services to catch dangerous signs of serious illness.
    • Preserve first responders.
    • Preserve transport & dispatch.